Gender Equality Index

Like all French companies with more than 50employees, Latitude has fulfilled its obligations by declaring and publishingits gender equality index to the Ministry of Labor.

This index allows concerned companies to assess,on a scale of 100 points, the level of equality between men and women based onthe following criteria:

  • Gender pay gap: the difference between theaverage salaries of men and women, ideally aiming for a gap of 0 for perfectequality;
  • Difference in individual raise rates: percentageof women and men who received raises during the year;
  • Gender parity among the top 10 highest earners:percentage of women and men who received raises during the year;
  • Number of female employees receiving raises aftermaternity leave.

Obtained Scores

Latitude has provided the required indicators,and the detailed scores obtained are as follows:

  • Indicator 1: Gender pay gap: 31/40
  • Indicator 2: Difference in individualraise rates: 35/35
  • Indicator 3: Number of employeesreceiving raises upon return from maternity or adoption leave: 15/15
  • Indicator 4: Gender parity among thetop 10 highest earners: 5/10 (2 women among the top 10 highest earners as of12/31/2024)

The score obtained is 86/100.

At Latitude, we firmly believe that genderequality and diversity are essential pillars of well-being in the workplace andthe overall performance of our company. In line with our values, we maintainour commitment to actively recruit women, particularly in engineering fields,while emphasizing the recognition and support of their professionaltrajectories. We pledge to provide them with all necessary opportunities todevelop their skills and advance their careers within our organization,focusing especially on collective awareness initiatives and targeted trainingand coaching programs.